Monday, August 28, 2023

PWF #15 - PWF vs. CCW

Live from the field at Bull Run, Virginia, the Presidential Wrestling Federation's long-running feud with Confederate Championship Wrestling reaches an epic climax! Featuring:
  • Four-man elimination tag team match: Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison & William McKinley vs. John Tyler, Nathan Bedford Forrest, J.E.B. Stuart & John Mosby
  • Handicap match: Zachary Taylor & Winfield Scott vs. Gideon Pillow
  • Main event: Abraham Lincoln & Ulysses Grant vs. Jefferson Davis & Robert E. Lee

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Presidential War #26 - In the Palm of Lincoln's Rough-Hewn Rail-Splitting Hand

On this installment of Presidential War, we discuss whether there's any president we'd rather have defending us against murder charges than renowned prairie lawyer Abraham Lincoln. Also: we decide which of the two Bushes gets picked first in flag football, we consider one category in which the lowly James Buchanan trounces Theodore Roosevelt, and we face the horrifying prospect of either Billy Carter or Malik Obama becoming president of the United States.      

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Monday, July 31, 2023

Top 5 Presidential Musicians

Many presidents have been musically-inclined and some even considered it a possible career path. On this episode we rock out to the Top 5 Presidential Musicians!   

Monday, July 17, 2023

31 Herbert Hoover

Herbert Hoover was orphaned as a child, but his tireless work ethic and masterful administrative talents brought him success as a mining engineer, in which he crisscrossed the globe and reached the pinnacle of his profession, becoming a millionaire in the process. During the First World War, he led a massive effort to relieve the suffering population of occupied Belgium, earning international acclaim and putting his name under consideration for the presidency. During eight years as Commerce Secretary in the Harding and Coolidge administrations, he worked to modernize the American economy and made himself the obvious choice to succeed Coolidge in 1928. After a crushing landslide victory, Hoover brought his technocratic expertise to the highest office in the land, but when a frightening stock market crash brought the unprecedented prosperity of the Roaring 20's to an abrupt halt, he finally met a crisis he couldn't fix—the Great Depression.      

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We're very proud of all our wonderful Episode 31 sponsors:
Kruschen Salts – Greenwood Gazette (Greenwood, NA) – March 4, 1931

Nobody loves a skinny woman – Sioux City Journal (Sioux City, IA) – March 7, 1929

Skinny girls gain weight with Ironized Yeast – Kansas City Star (Kansas City, MO) – March 12, 1929

Secrets of Love – Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, OH) – June 15, 1929

Secrets of Love – Press of Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ) – July 30, 1929

H.A. Ammann Real Estate – Marion Star (Marion, OH) – April 16, 1929

Reward for stolen building – Marion Star (Marion, OH) – May 21, 1929

Reward for finding drowned corpse – Free Lance-Star (Fredericksburg, VA) – May 8, 1929

Radithor – Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, CA) – January 8, 1928

Radithor – Chino Champion (Chino, CA) – October 19, 1928

Radium racket – Daily News (New York, NY) – April 2, 1932

Radium racket (cont’d) – Daily News (New York, NY) – April 2, 1932

Climax Jumbo Peanuts – Public Opinion (Chambersburg, PA) – May 10, 1929

Monday, July 3, 2023

PWF #14 - At Your Home

Live from a privately-owned farm in South Carolina, PWF's At Your Home pay-per-view has all the belts on the line!
  • PWF Women's Championship: Eleanor Roosevelt vs. Bess Truman
  • Tag Team Championship: TR & Taft vs. Gerald Ford & Ronald Reagan
  • Transcontinental Championship: Franklin Pierce vs. Ulysses S. Grant ("Brawl in the Stall" match in a pigpen)
  • PWF Championship: FDR vs. Dwight Eisenhower (strap match)       

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)

Monday, June 26, 2023

Presidential War #25 - Other Things You Can Do With Cigars (with Elliott Burns)

Special guest (and returning champion) Elliott Burns joins us for another exciting installment of Presidential War and attempts to extend the undefeated streak of guests prevailing over the podcast co-hosts. Discussion topics include: who would win in a fistfight between Andrew Jackson and Ulysses Grant, would we rather have TR or Jimmy Carter dating our daughter, and whether FDR could ever be considered a better president than Lincoln.      

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)

Monday, June 12, 2023

30 Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge's hardscrabble Vermont farm upbringing imbued him with the old-school New England values of hard work and thriftiness, which served him well as he embarked on a career as a lawyer in Massachusetts and began a steady climb of local and state political offices. As governor, his firm and unflinching response to the 1919 Boston police strike garnered him national headlines and inspired some enthusiastic delegates at the 1920 Republican National Convention to buck the party bosses and nominate him for vice president under Warren G. Harding. A consummate Washington outsider, "Silent Cal" kept a low profile as vice president and the bosses planned to replace him on the 1924 ticket, but in August 1923, Harding's sudden death thrust Coolidge into the White House. With the Harding administration's sordid corruption scandals still bubbling to the surface, Coolidge's quiet integrity restored the American people's confidence in the presidency, while his innate thriftiness enabled him to cut taxes, balance the budget, and reduce the national debt as the nation enjoyed unprecedented economic prosperity. In the wake of a heartbreaking family tragedy, he was resoundingly elected to a term in his own right, but four years later--as only Coolidge could do--he walked away from a surefire chance at reelection and retired to a rented duplex. Learn the full story on Episode 30!     

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We're very proud of all our wonderful Episode 30 sponsors:
Listerine – Evening Star (Washington, DC) – July 25, 1924

Palmolive Soap – Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, HI) – June 23, 1926

Lysol – Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, HI) – March 10, 1927

Lysol – Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, HI) – October 25, 1924

Flexstone asbestos shingles – Kingsburg Recorder (Kingsburg, CA) – August 3, 1923

Sex Facts (For Men Only) – Buffalo Times (Buffalo, NY) – August 23, 1925

Lucky Strikes – Daily News (New York, NY) – October 18, 1928

Poultryman seeks poultrywoman – Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA) – August 22, 1923

Lady with high standards – Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA) – September 13, 1925

Man seeks housekeeper – Capital Journal (Salem, OR) – August 31, 1923

Man with no bad habits seeks wife – Springfield News-Leader (Springfield, MO) – September 26, 1923

Monday, June 5, 2023

PWF #13 - Underground

The Presidential Wrestling Federation is live from the basement of a bar in an undisclosed location with another electrifying slate of matches:

  • Ronald Reagan & Gerald Ford vs. Rutherford B. Hayes & Benjamin Harrison (winners get a shot at the Tag Team Championship)
  • Millard Fillmore vs. Chester Arthur (bareknuckle boxing grudge match--must win by knockout)
  • 8-Man Battle Royal for the vacant Transcontinental Championship: Thomas Jefferson vs. Andrew Jackson vs. Franklin Pierce vs. Ulysses S. Grant vs. James A. Garfield vs. Grover Cleveland vs. Calvin Coolidge vs. Harry Truman
  • Theodore Roosevelt vs. two vicious fighting dogs      

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Monday, May 29, 2023

Presidential War #24 - Suckling at the Presidential Teat

This Presidential War episode settles the burning question that is on everyone's mind—who would have made a better president: George Washington's brother Lawrence Washington or James A. Garfield's son James R. Garfield? We also discuss Dolley Madison's accomplishments, Frances Cleveland's good looks, and how Abraham Lincoln might have fared if he had served as Attorney General.      

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)

Monday, May 22, 2023

Top 5 Presidential Golfers

Golf is the unofficial presidential pastime and some presidential practitioners have been particularly passionate about hitting the links. Some have even been good at it, and we count down the best on this Top 5. (Fore!)   

Monday, May 15, 2023

29 Warren G. Harding

From publisher of the Marion Star newspaper to U.S. Senator from Ohio, Warren G. Harding's meteoric rise culminated in 1920 when he became the compromise candidate of a deadlocked Republican convention and trounced his Democratic opponent with a campaign promising a "Return to Normalcy." He inherited a terrible economy, high taxes, exploding debt, and a nation still wracked with tension from the First World War and subsequent Red Scare. When Harding's health gave out and he died after just two-and-a-half years in office, he left behind a humming economy and had turned a new page from the war years. But in the wake of his death, a parade of emerging corruption scandals involving some of his closest friends forever tarnished his legacy--not to mention the tell-all book published by a young woman who claimed he was the father of her child!    

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)

We're very proud of all our wonderful Episode 29 sponsors:
Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe – Knoxville Sentinel (Knoxville, TN) – November 12, 1922

Southland Sport brassieres for stout women – Burlington Free Press (Burlington, VT) – March 8, 1921

Burbank Electric Shop vacuum cleaner – Burbank Review (Burbank, CA) – March 24, 1922

Georgiana Chapman has left her husband – Burbank Review (Burbank, CA) – November 11, 1921

Frederick Chapman shoots his wife – Burbank Review (Burbank, CA) – November 25, 1921

Frederick Chapman escapes – Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA) – November 22, 1921

Frederick Chapman charged – Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA) – May 2, 1922

Frederick Chapman seeks reconciliation – Los Angeles Evening Express (Los Angeles, CA) – November 25, 1921

Georgiana Chapman seeks divorce – Los Angeles Record (Los Angeles, CA) – June 26, 1924

Russell & Co. manure – Fresno Morning Republican (Fresno, CA) – March 12, 1921

California Syrup of Figs children’s laxative – Norfolk Daily News (Norfolk, NE) – March 11, 1921

Mrs. Holmes reaching out to her niece – Boston Globe (Boston, MA) – March 9, 1921

Monday, May 8, 2023

PWF #12 - After School Special

The PWF has fallen on hard times and its latest event is being held in a high school gymnasium, but the quality of the presidential wrestling action on display is as high as ever in this slate of electrifying matches:
  • Fathers vs. Sons Match: John Adams & George H.W. Bush vs. John Quincy Adams & George W. Bush
  • Tag Team Championship Match: James Madison & James Monroe vs. Theodore Roosevelt & William Howard Taft
  • Transcontinental Championship Match: Barack Obama vs. Richard Nixon
  • PWF Championship Match: FDR vs. Dwight D. Eisenhower 
Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)

Monday, May 1, 2023

Presidential War #23 - Eviscerated by Cholera

This game of Presidential War comes down to the wire! The scintillating discussion topics include: Would we rather have William McKinley or George H.W. Bush dating our daughter? Would we rather have John Adams or Andrew Jackson defending us against murder charges? And an epic clash of titans: Would George Washington or Abraham Lincoln make the better Secretary of State?      

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to subscribe on your favorite podcast app!)