Monday, February 21, 2022

Episode 17 - Andrew Johnson

We kick off Season 2 by chronicling the life of Andrew Johnson, the uneducated tailor who rose to power on the strength of his populist stump speeches and his advocacy for the common (white) man. As the only Southern Democrat Senator to remain loyal to the Union during the Civil War, he was named Lincoln's vice presidential running mate in 1864 to broaden the ticket's appeal. When Lincoln's assassination coincides with the war's end, Johnson is thrust into the presidency and tasked with the Reconstruction of a divided nation. Will he carry Lincoln's mantle and preserve the Civil War's hard-won gains or will an unexpected Southern president enable an unrepentant South to win the peace? 

Dead Presidents Podcast Homepage (with links to access the podcast on your favorite podcast app!)

We're very proud of all of our wonderful Episode 17 sponsors:
Manhood: How Lost, How Restored – Columbia Democrat and Star of the North (Bloomsburg, PA) – September 19, 1866

Laughlin’s Infant Cordial – The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, WV) – April 30, 1868

Wet Nurse or Cow Owner Wanted – New York Daily Herald (New York, NY) – June 3, 1867

Moyer’s Drug Store – Columbia Democrat and Star of the North (Bloomsburg, PA) – September 19, 1866

Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer – The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer (Wheeling, WV) – April 30, 1868

Chastellar’s Hair Exterminator – Chicago Evening Post (Chicago, IL) – April 12, 1867

Dr. Hastings Hall Treats Venereal Diseases – San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, CA) – September 30, 1865

Sheriff Jordan’s Wife Stolen by Isaac Mize – The Tennessean (Nashville, TN) – April 7, 1868

Isaac Mize and Mrs. Jordan Arrested – Nashville Union and American (Nashville, TN) – April 9, 1868