Ulysses S. Grant graduated from West Point and fought bravely in the Mexican-American War, but in 1854 he resigned from the U.S. Army in disgrace and went on to fail in a series of occupations. The outbreak of the Civil War changed his life forever. His quiet modesty and fearless aggression set him apart from other Union commanders, fueling a meteoric rise through the ranks and eventually making him the only general Lincoln trusted to beat the Confederacy. When the nation elected him president in the midst of Reconstruction, Grant learned that winning the war was much simpler than securing the peace.
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Short, thick wife wanted – Argus and Patriot (Montpelier, VT) – January 9, 1873 |
Hopkins’ Magic Gold Dust – Argus and Patriot (Montpelier, VT) – January 9, 1873 |
Dionas Fitch’s wife Agnes has left him – The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY) – April 17, 1874 |
Agnes Fitch provides justification – The Kingston Daily Freeman (Kingston, NY) – April 18, 1874 |
106-year-old Silas Cooper seeks 16-year-old wife – The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, OH) – September 18, 1872 |
Silas Cooper, oldest man in West Virginia – Richmond Dispatch (Richmond, VA) – September 16, 1872 |
Silas Cooper’s remarkable longevity – The Chicago Evening Mail (Chicago, IL) – September 30, 1872 |
Baby for adoption by wealthy family – New York Daily Herald (New York, NY) – June 4, 1869 |
Absolom Gardner’s wife has left him – The Cairo Bulletin (Cairo, IL) – May 26, 1872 |
Mrs. Gardner says her husband mistreated her – The Cairo Bulletin (Cairo, IL) – May 28, 1872 |
Mrs. Gardner repents – The Cairo Bulletin (Cairo, IL) – August 1, 1872 |
Guaranteed cure for insanity – Northumberland County Democrat (Sunbury, PA) – June 18, 1875 |
Woman meat cook wanted – New York Daily Herald (New York, NY) – April 27, 1869 |
Dirt for sale – The Tiffin Tribune (Tiffin, OH) – May 1, 1873 |